Join other young athletes in the

Confidently Fueled Young Athlete Program!

12 weeks to understanding the facts &

having a fueling strategy that works

Your athlete is burning out before the end of

practices and games

  • Experiencing dizziness and fatigue ...

  • Feeling stuck at their current level, frustrated they are not advancing

  • Stressed about food choices before, during and after events...

  • Struggling to gain or maintain weight ...

  • Worried about how fueling will impact their body weight and performance...

They are balancing several hours of training a day and schoolwork and you worry they're not eating enough or giving their body the right thing.

They try to start figuring it out on their own.

And you see them getting confused and frustrated & watch their performance suffer.

Imagine seeing your athlete go from

confused to confidently fueled...

  •  Being energized through their entire practice or event

  •  Being confident in their pre-event fueling strategy

  • No longer skipping meals and being more consistent with their snacks

  • Knowing with confidence what foods work best for them before, during & after events

  • Being able to maintain their weight at the end of a season or gain in the off-season

  • Seeing their stress about food and fueling go down



  • Key sports nutrition principles for young athletes: macros, micros, timing and more.

  • What the science looks like in the day-to-day and on the plate

  • How to build individualized fueling athlete plates

  • Fact vs fiction when it comes to nutrition & young athletes

  • When / how supplements fit into the sports nutrition plan

  • Fluid needs of young athletes

  • Signs & symptoms of underfueling


  • Go-to list of foods for before, during and after events

  • Your foundational fueling & hydration strategy

  • Your performance day fueling & hydration strategy

  • A plan for tough scenarios (busy schedules, early morning practices, travel, etc.)

This 12-Week Live Virtual Program Covers:

Your Coach

Taylor Morrison, MS, RD, CSSD, LDN, is a registered and board certified sports dietitian and CEO of Taylored Nutrition, LLC where she specializes in work with with young athletes. As a pediatric dietitian for the last 12+ years and specifically focused on sports nutrition for young athletes in the last 7+ years she understands the struggles that young athletes face when it comes to fueling for their sports. Taylor decided to study and practice pediatric sports nutrition because, as a young competitive athlete herself, she was confused about how to fuel well for her sports (figure skating and running) but knew it was the missing link in her training.

She worked hard on her own to figure out her best nutrition strategy for each sport and, when she did, saw and felt an incredible difference. Taylor's goal today is to teach young athletes about sports nutrition and guide them to confidently and independently implement those strategies each day so that they can reach their goals and perform their best. Taylor wants to teach athletes key sports nutrition information now so they don't have to learn the hard way and can start performing their best today.


  • Program group kick-off: to meet other members & review the tech

  • Virtual 1-to-1's with Taylor: each athlete gets 1 private 1-to-1 w/ Taylor

  • Live virtual classes: every week or every other week with time to implement the action items in-between.

***Lifetime Access to all worksheets, workbooks & recordings!***

We'll Work Through My 3 Phases of Fueling

Knowing the nutrition fundamentals is crucial to building a successful and long-term sports nutrition strategy.

In this Phase we review key terms, how macronutrients and food groups go together, if basic supplements are needed, and the importance of hydration.

Athletes will create their own foundational fueling plan, determine their fluid goal and how to reach it and determine any potential nutrition gaps in their current intake.

Once the fundamentals are understood and habits have started to form we move into performance nutrition.

In this Phase we discuss digestion rates of food and drinks, performance-enhancing supplements, and performance hydration.

Athletes will create their own performance fueling plan, specifically listing their pre and intra-event fuel and their recovery fuel. They will determine how much fluid and what type of fluid they need around practices, games & performances and create a plan for helping achieve their goals.

It's also important to understand how nutrition can help prevent injuries and work through times when it feels hard to fuel well.

In this Phase we discuss the risks, signs and symptoms of underfueling and reasons young athletes might be underfueling. We'll also troubleshoot tough scenarios.

Athletes will take time to identify any signs or symptoms of underfueling and create a strategy to help optimize their intake based off of all they have previously learned, if needed.

We'll also have time to tackle tough fueling scenarios like: early morning practices, late night games, tournaments, mid-day performances and travel.

Are You Interested in Participating?

This program will launch at different times throughout the year. Join the Newsletter or follow along on Instagram (@tayloremorrisonRD) to be notified when the next cohorts begin!

Still have questions?

Email us at:

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